Saturday, June 6, 2009

Week 4 tutorials

This tutorial was about how to rightfully change things without damaging the original image. What i learned was to make a copy of the background, but what this tutorial was saying is that you could use the button next to the add new layer. That will add an additional layer, but it will help from changing the image and possibly damaging it to where you cannot do anything to it.

This was a really neat little thing I never knew about. There is a vanishing point option within this program and the person talking in this tutorial was talking about how the grids are color coded to help understand what will work and what would not. I thought this was great because I learned from Art 119, that in order to do that sort of thing you would have to make your own lines and what not. That was horrible and I am so glad that I know that there is justice for us.

This was interesting to learn. This guy was walking through about turning colored images into black and white photos and I thought neat...lets see what this is about. Well this guy pulled up the screen showing the individual slides of colors and then what he did was proceed to talk about how you can change the shades of things depeending on what color they were before. So for example, he wanted to brighten the trees and grass so he went to the color green slide and moved that up towards the white. That brightened up only the parts that used to be green. That was fantastic to learn so that way I can still dr. my images up even if I want them black and white.

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